The next day we got up early to get to a car rental place in order to head out to Cesky Krumlov. I was ubber excited about Cesky because I had read it was picture perfect. It was supposed to look like something out of a Disney movie. A cab driver had told us that you couldn't even drive into the city. This made me so excited.
Renting a car proved initially difficult because the place was a lot further than we had remembered. When we got to the location there was a sign saying they'd come back later with a number. We of course could not call because our phones were not working. We walked around looking for another car rental place. This didn't work out and we were extremely annoyed at the fact that nothing seemed to be open. Finally, we walked back and the initial car rental place was open. After that it was smooth sailing.
Night was falling upon us and we headed back to the hotel. I was so tired (a recurring theme this trip- my body felt out of it) and we ended up ordering pizza. I only ate a slice. I felt bad because Nathan wanted to explore (even though everything was closed) and wanted to grab a drink. I just wasn't up for it. I think in large part it was that my body is just not used to the cold weather. Nathan is a polar bear. hehe.
The next day we walked around the castle and ate some delicious breakfast in a small bakery. Early in the day we headed out to go to out next destination: Karvory Vary (a hot springs town that banks on it's relaxation).
Picture posts will follow. I feel too lazy for now.
Our little car was mostly driven by Nathan (who insisted on driving because he had experience in snow, which annoyed me but made sense). Getting to drive around though made me so happy. I miss driving. I need to get my license here in the UAE and get myself a pair of wheels. Luckily, the car came equipped with a GPS system. Our drive was three hours away. We drove by Cesky Budovice in route and finally arrived at Cesky Krumlov as the sun was setting. Our GPS told us to go on a street that was clearly labeled with a big X, so we parked and walked into the cobble stoned city. It was love at first sight. Our hotel was located within a short walking distance from the entrance and it was a good thing we didn't enter because we were in fact not allowed to do so. We dropped out bags at the hotel and made our way to the castle, which was just a walking distance away. This castle was surrounded by a river. The town in which it is located reminds me of the village in Beauty and the Beast. My windows opened outward and the streets were narrow and filled with small cute shops. It looked like nothing had changed in hundreds of years.
The castle at Cesky is very renaissance style. It is huge, and very ornate in terms of the painted walls. We walked around and got to see a beautiful view from the castle. Climbing up to the castle was quite a feat because of the icy ground and my ill equipped shoes. The view was worth it.
The next day we walked around the castle and ate some delicious breakfast in a small bakery. Early in the day we headed out to go to out next destination: Karvory Vary (a hot springs town that banks on it's relaxation).
Picture posts will follow. I feel too lazy for now.